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Major revision review time


Major revision review time. Ok, so you’ve agreed to review the paper. A second major revision was decided. However, 60 days isn't too long for a major revision. Jun 17, 2023 · You may gently nudge the editor via the journal system. Besides by the duration of the different steps of the peer review process, total publication time is also influenced by revision time, i. Our editorial process Oct 21, 2019 · Here are some excellent resources on how to respond to peer review comments that you will find helpful. Jun 30, 2023 · Opinion returned in December 2021, major revision required. The time to render a first decision averages about 43 days, but times vary depending on how long it takes for the editor to receive and assess reviews. However, even if the deadline is 3 months later, the authors should try to resubmit the revised manuscript at the earliest possible date . Aug 13, 2022 · Is it normal to have this short amount of time to accomplish major revisions? No. I’ve been publishing scientific papers for almost three decades, but I frantically read through manuscript decision emails, trying to figure out whether the paper has been accepted, or at least has a shot at being published by the journal I’ve submitted it to. For journals I have managed, the number of “major revision” papers that are eventually accepted stays solidly between 80-90%. After I sent the revised manuscript, the status was ‘’with editor’’ and did not change for two weeks. Now, from my earlier experience, I am worried uf they again take 5 months to review a minor revision, or suggest something else (like a major revision after a long time). Rosenkrantz and Harisinghani also found that the more Minor revision might also include providing more accurate explanations for some of the results or adding more results of control experiments that can be easily performed, that are not critical to supporting conclusions and that might not need further peer review for validation. Furthermore, you can get inspired by sample peer Editor of a journal asked for "Major Revision" for a submitted paper, after submitting revised paper it went for the review, after that the status shows "with Editor" for some time. At least two review reports are collected for each submitted article. When a major revision is required, the author should read the reviewers’ comments then put them aside for a few days to think about how to reply so that an emotional response is avoided. 首先扼要而言,major revision,相比较minor revision,主要区别在修改的幅度和修改后的处理流程。Minor revision一般小修改后直接由editor审核即可。而major revision意味着,文章主体内容的改动,修补以及完成后的再送审(相同的reviewers)。当然,并不是所有 Jun 28, 2019 · 今天来说说怎么读懂编辑发来的邮件,理解他们的“言下之意”。 文章收到审稿意见以后会首先回到编辑们手中,由编辑来评估决定是大修小修还是拒稿。其实在顶刊内部编辑们已经不再称为大修(major revision)和小修… Feb 28, 2022 · Under review: When at least one reviewer agrees to review (status change from reviewer assigned to Under review). Oct 20, 2017 · After months of working on your research paper, receiving a "revise and resubmit" decision from the journal can be very disheartening. The academic editor can suggest reviewers during pre-check. On December 22, the status changed to Under Review, and has remained so since then. It means that the peer reviewer considers a manuscript suitable for publication if the authors rectify some major shortcomings. For better understanding, before making their new remarks, reviewers and editors often should rewrite the authors’ comments, which is more difficult and time-consuming when authors use the tool “track changes”. You are giving leave to rewrite and resubmit the thesis. 15 7. He/She wanted to provide more details in some parts of my manuscript. A major revision often requires more substantive changes prior to being appropriate for publication. Dec 11, 2019 · Also convey that you’re very interested in making the revisions and are keen to have your paper re-considered for publication in the journal. Feb 22, 2021 · I got a review from a reputed Elsevier journal. Bad Review. Nov 8, 2015 · I have found from reading other reviewers' reviews (on the same paper that I am reviewing) that reviewers who clicked "reject" the first time often ask for major revisions the second time, possibly because the initial review was pointing out more "big picture issues" rather than smaller innacuracies. Response: A minor revision often implies that there are a limited number of changes that are needed to improve the manuscript for publication. Sep 19, 2016 · Usually I find in the author's guideline an average review time of the last three years or so. Dec 7, 2015 · Review the following suggestions for how to deal with the revision process so that it is smooth for both both the author and the editor; this fosters a quick acceptance. – Jan 10, 2023 · When the authors receive a decision of major revision or minor revision, the authors are usually allowed to have 1 week to 3 months for the revision, which varies widely among journals. If you are in doubt about whether you should go for ‘minor revisions’ or ‘major revisions‘, it can be smart to choose the latter. We usually allow between two and four weeks for you to send your revised article back to us, but this may vary by journal. This means that a paper may receive a 1, 2, 3 or (rarely) 4 from reviewers, but be a “major revision” (3) from you, or a 4, 3 or (rarely) 2 from reviewers, but be a “minor revision” (4) from you. Accepted in June 2022. Revision Mar 5, 2018 · It is very uncommon for manuscripts submitted to peer-reviewed journals to be accepted directly, without a request for revision. A minor revision is generally requested as a final step before acceptance. What is the decision process for a typical paper? Nearly all papers fall into one of three categories: i) Rejected without review (as described above), ii) Rejected after review, and iii) a Major Revision followed by a Minor Revision followed by Accept. Lacking detail at first review stage – even if the recommendation is for Minor Revisions, the reviewer should be able to justify why the paper is already suitable. 'Major revisions' is one of the most common peer review decisions. 0 revision rounds during the entire peer-review process. Describe the major revisions to your manuscript in your response letter followed by point-by-point responses to the comments raised. This can include conducting new data analysis or experiments, overhauling or substantially reframing the literature review or discussion section, or integrating a substantial amount of new background research. In this article, we have grouped b, c, and d together under the heading ‘reviewers’ manuscript (major) revision’. Request a major revision, where authors revise RQ - Major Revision: to request major, required revisions that will facilitate a second full review cycle by the original reviewers. MDPI has one of the most straightforward and efficient publication processes in the whole publishing landscape. Note: Plans are submitted online. If the peer reviewers have chosen to sign their reviews, their names will also appear. The key is to remain calm and address the reviewers' suggestions for revision in a systematic manner. The process of revising a manuscript and successfully responding to the comments of reviewers and the Editor can be difficult. We have written a revised manuscript since the original version is received a decision of "major revision. Jan 8, 2021 · I submitted a minor revision for my paper based on the comments by the editor and Reviewers 1 and 2. Aug 19, 2020 · Minor corrections - generally textual changes only - 3 month time limit; Major corrections - might involve some reanalysis, but no new experiments - 6 month time limit. That being said, the time from initial submission to when a paper actually appears is usually still multiple years. " Since the status remained "reviewer assigned," we sent a mail with requesting clarificati Dec 30, 2019 · Thus, it is difficult to tell how much time the final decision will take after a major revision. 23 under review - Under review from July 15th to July 23rd 8. You should also allocate some time for 当然是高兴了,那还用说嘛。在我看来,rejection=rejection,major revision=acceptance,minor revision=acceptance,acceptance还是=acceptance。 其实连rejection都可以翻盘,我就翻过两次,都是两个审稿人意见全是据稿,修改之后直接过。 Aug 10, 2021 · I sent a manuscript to a high reputation Elsevier journal. The following summary describes the peer review process for IEEE Access: Identity transparency: Single anonymized. When editors, reviewers, and authors have put time into critiquing and improving a paper, it just seems downright unfair to reject the paper. . I spoke with Elsevier’s journal assistance via online chat. and assign a deadline for each one. ” “Major revisions” may sound like a major undertaking. Now, again it Dec 6, 2014 · Reviewers typically get ~ 1 month of time for review (+ a few weeks of slack, realistically), and most journals aim to come back to authors for revisions in a time frame of 4 to 6 months. This should give you a rough hint to your question. I have to leave the institute within 2 months. Regarding your question about the deadline assigned to reviewers, this would vary across journals. Aug 22, 2022 · First, papers going through review are a lot more likely to be accepted. Vast majority of the time – any review that recommends Acceptance at first round review. Review guidelines. Based on the Heliyon Review Speed Feedback System, it takes 3. Opinion returned in April 2022, major revision (only one reviewer had comments, the other two gave direct acceptance). First of all, do the review ahead of schedule, as soon as you can, and before the arbitrary 6 week deadline. I’m so sorry that you have been waiting so long on this occasion. Here’s some advice from Dr. Disseminate your research. There may be further revision requests to address. However, I am not in a position to submit yet. ’ How much more time should I wait for a response? Aug 6, 2023 · 6. The vast majority of minor revisions are ultimately accepted for publication, while many more major revisions are later found unacceptable and rejected Jan 24, 2021 · On December 5, I received a minor revision decision from one reviewer and a major revision decision from the other. To my experience, major revision in general leads to the acceptance of a manuscript reviewed and re-reviewed for several rounds. Major revision. Most submitted manuscripts go through a meticulous review process by several reviewers who are experts in the given subject; these reviewers may request major or minor revisions or even reject the manuscript. This process usually takes three working days. During peer review, reviewers will be able to access your manuscript securely using our online system, whilst maintaining referee anonymity. After submitting their manuscripts to academic journals, authors receive one of several editorial decisions: 'desk reject', 'revise and resubmit', 'major revisions', 'minor revisions', or 'paper accepted. Depending on the extent of the minor revision, the editor may decide not to send it out for re-review. Deadlines for Regular Review ♦ Reviewers are given 6 weeks to review the submission. Minor revision may undergo referee evaluation; however, in most cases, the editor accepts the paper without sending the revised manuscript to the reviewer. When you read the comments for the first time, they may sound overwhelmingly negative, and the revision requested may look like a very long and tiring process. Reconsider after major revision, appropriate to select if you After a month in peer review, i received comments of FIVE reviewers with a message from the academic editor that it needed a Major revision as reviewers had serious issues with the manuscript. 首先,如果投稿的SCI论文icon拿到了“大修”(major revision)算是一件值得恭喜的事情。虽然文章可能存在不少问题,但你的研究应该还是有一定的魅力,让编辑和审稿人给了这篇SCI一次机会,肯定比直接reject要好很多。 A major revision would normally go back to the same reviewers and they would usually have as much time to review as the original submission. In this case, the editor may choose “Reject and Resubmit” rather than “Major Revision” for the manuscript decision. 1 The next immediate step after peer review, if the authors are lucky enough, is to revise the manuscript according to editors’ and reviewers’ comments. Most of our journals suggest 5 days for minor revisions and 10–14 days for major revisions. Please share your experiences with the community. The journal gave me two months for submitting the revised paper. Feb 28, 2019 · Charlesworth Author Services; 28 February, 2019; Peer Review Process; What does a ‘revisions required’ editorial decision really mean? A research team of one of our editors has a paper working its way through the submission system with a major biology journal; the editor helped to write the paper alongside a PhD student who works with the group. I have submitted my manuscript to a well-known journal on April 2, 2016. And it might actually be a lot of work. But you can and should do those revisions. Occasionally, the requested experiments or calculations are extensive, so that significant time and effort is required. Major revision Aug 12, 2024 · After the second major revision the status went to „pending editor decision„ as I was encourgaed to resubmit my article due to extensive review. As time is running out, can I have a sample mail for requesting more time for the revised submission? OBJECTIVE. This article provides some practical steps to guide authors in this task and attain publication of their manuscript. Obviously, as it was Christmas, I have received hardly any answers from my co-authors, including from my supervisor who has the data that needs to be revised. I think of a major revision as one that involves substantial changes to the manuscript. Step 10: Major Revision (MaR) of the Manuscript (45 days) Due to the more extensive nature of revisions required, we give 45 days for the author to complete a major revision. The editor considers reviewer feedback and their own evaluation of the manuscript in order to reach a decision. Here are 10 easy-to-follow steps that will help you to first revise your paper based on reviewers' comments and then resubmit to the journal. Thanks! Here’s a process and then a format that I recommend in this case. It should take at least a few weeks for re-review and the editor to make a decision after your revision is submitted (if the previous decision was B (minor revisions), then the timelines may be shorter). It all depends on the discipline and journal process: though there are other factors. Also, of course, you may look across all the reviews and the paper and identify themes or gaps, which may influence your overall assessment. Our Editorial Office may agree to extended revision time, provided that the authors send their request to the in-house Assistant Editor. After 80 days, I got the first decision (major revision) with very simple comments from 3 reviewers. As well as serving as a guarantor of final quality and acting as “gatekeeper” for journals, a major function of peer review is to improve the quality of what is published. Now, again it We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Then I wholly revised my paper according to reviewers’ comments and re-submitted it. Resubmit - this thesis does not pass, but contains sufficient material to convince the examiners you are capable of passing. Apart from that I personally consider a revision review of five months a quite critical time frame already in general. Publishing your article marks the start of its dissemination journey. Scrutinize the reviewer's comments. Mar 13, 2022 · Major Revision #1 Major Revision #2 “Coverage-Based Debloating for Java Bytecode” ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology Link: Major Revision #1 Minor Revision #2 “Automatic Specialization of Third-Party Java Dependencies” IEEE Transactions on Software Enginnering Link: Major Revision #1 Minor Revision #2 Oct 10, 2021 · One revision often is not enough and reviewers and editors should reply to the authors’ answers. Please submit your minor revision by selecting 'Make Changes' under your originally approved SITE record by following the steps outlined in the below tutorial video: Revision - YouTube; The review fee for a Minor Revision is $112. Feb 27, 2024 · A revision plan can help you organize your work, prioritize the most important changes, and track your progress. Major revisions. ♦ Editors are given 2 weeks to review a minor revision. Examples of reviewer comments can help!Here you can find an overview of sample comments and examples for the most common review decisions: ‘minor revisions’, ‘major revisions’, ‘revise and resubmit’ and ‘reject’ decisions. Jul 1, 2018 · Reviewers, in fact, can recommend one of five decisions: a) publish as is, b) minor revision and publish, c) minor revision and re-review, d) major revision and re-review, and e) reject. Contents The meaning of a 'desk-rejected' paperWhat to do if your paper is desk-rejectedThe meaning of 'revise and Aug 11, 2024 · Yes. ♦ Authors have a maximum of 3 months to submit their major revisions. 28 Pausing to think about a response before responding is also a good tip when receiving any type of critical feedback. It does not happen very often that you peer-review a manuscript for the first time and think it is almost perfect. Jan 25, 2020 · I submitted a manuscript to Elsevier. Following the principles outlined in this article will enable authors to successfully meet the challenges of manuscript revision May 8, 2020 · The ‘Decision in Process’ status after the ‘Required Review Completed’ status means that the associate editor (AE), who has been handling your manuscript all this time, has made a decision on your paper based on the peer review comments and your changes, and has now communicated their decision to the Editor-in-Chief (EiC), who will make 3択 です。 (1)リジェクトされる。(2)もう一度メジャーリビジョン、(3)マイナーリビジョンです。 (1) リジェクトされる: リブッタルレターで質問に回答できておらず、今後やりとりしても改善されることはないなと判断されたということです。 Aug 23, 2016 · I submitted a paper to a science journal and 3 months later I got result which requires 'Major Revision'. I done the revisions and i submitted last week. Before contacting the editor, you might want to consider the following. This is to ensure the quality, originality and accuracy of the work submitted to the journals. , the time taken by authors to revise and resubmit the manuscript. CONCLUSION. Especially if you follow some basic principles and procedures, and put some time into it. Only May 20, 2017 · Few months ago, I have submitted my manuscript to a very reputed journal. On December 20, I submitted the revised article. 1 revision rounds during the entire peer-review process. Editage These changes usually require more time and it is likely we will need to send the revised article back to at least one of the reviewers. After submitting the revised version, I am still waiting for almost 3 months with one status "In peer review". ♦ Authors have a maximum of 1 month to submit their minor revisions. Especially if you are unsure about how to formulate your feedback. Gareth Dyke on how long to wait. 32 and must be paid at the time of submittal. The most common reason for a manuscript to receive a major revision decision is that, while the topic is of interest and relevant to readers of the journal, the editors are unable to determine, from the existing version of the paper, whether the quality is sufficient for dissemination. 6 days ago · The average number of external revision rounds during the entire peer-reviewed process (include both accepted and rejected manuscript). If the paper is not rejected, there are three possible recommendations: “accept (as is)”, “minor revision”, and “major revision”. ' Learn what these editorial decisions precisely mean, and how to react. 12 with editor - In the hands of the editor 7. Any major revisions without substantial detail and or/justification. Required reviews completed: Minimum number of reviews has been received. The reviewing time is dependent on the reviewers’ schedules and sometimes they require more time. Major revision을 받은 논문이 accept되는 비율 에 대해서도 궁금했는데 정확한 통계는 없지만 약 50% 내외 라는 답이 가장 많았다. To learn more about peer review, visit the Elsevier Researcher Academy topic on "Navigating peer review" opens in new tab/window. The median time to review a revised version of a paper is a little over 2 months. Summary: TPAMI is indeed well-deserved in its reputation. Follow the steps below. Address all points raised by the editor and reviewers. When revising your manuscript and responding to peer review comments you must: Thank the reviewers and editors for their time and comments. Feb 20, 2024 · 검색한 바에 따르면 저널에 따라 다르지만 보통 Major revision → Minor revision → Accept되는 경우가 제일 많다 고 하셔서 조금 안심을 했다. Follow the steps outlined for your permit type to reapply. Understand and accept the decision : An editor typically chooses one among the four types of decisions listed below with the help of comments provided by the reviewers and his Major Revisions (aka Revise and Resubmit) indicates a manuscript that requires significant revision to organization, clarity, argument, and/or other components; this recommendation automatically triggers re-review. Always remember, making the revisions and resubmitting the manuscript does not guarantee acceptance and publication. May 18, 2023 · A customer asked us: “What does ‘major revisions’ mean? The journal sent me this reply after I submitted my manuscript. Aug 23, 2018 · Peer review is about more than just rubber stamping, let’s not forget. The first peer review process was completed after one month and a major revision was the decision. Dec 27, 2022 · The time period for the revision is stated as being 7 days, starting with Dec 24. May 18, 2023 · If it’s taking a long time, don’t be afraid to ask the journal why. Reviewer interacts with: Editor In recognition of the time and expertise our reviewers provide to Nature Communications’ editorial process, as of November, 2018, we formally acknowledge their contribution to the external peer Editor of a journal asked for "Major Revision" for a submitted paper, after submitting revised paper it went for the review, after that the status shows "with Editor" for some time. Most journals will try to catch this and either reject outright, or assign it to the same AE to handle. That’s why you should never consider your work as “finished” – there’s always some way Accept Conditional on Major Revision This outcome replaces "Major Revision. 30 Rather than spending time and 5 days ago · The average number of external revision rounds during the entire peer-reviewed process (include both accepted and rejected manuscript). As you can guess from the topic question, i had submitted my manuscript and i got major revisions from one reviewer (only one is assigned). Common Reasons for Getting A “Major Revision” Decision. Aug 13, 2021 · The reviewer and/or the editor will then have to decide whether they are crucial for the manuscript. 6 major revision - Major revision needed 6. This factor is therefore also included in our analysis. My question is how long the revision will take? Because only one reviewer is Recently, I have received a major revision decision for my paper. " Like previous years' Major revision ddecision, a clear path exists to strengthen the paper to an adequate state to be on the USENIX Security program. Mar 30, 2017 · Ideally, the peer review of a revised manuscript should take less time, but delays in peer review are very common. There are several (2)大修后接受(Major revision):当编辑认为论文需要大幅度的修改就会做出这个决定,作者在返还修改稿的时候需要附上给审稿意见的逐点回复,修稿后的论文也可能再送外审,通常会交给第一轮的审稿人,但编辑也有权选择不同的审稿人,第二轮的审稿,有 Mar 9, 2017 · The immediate rejection time is thus a major indicator of a journal’s performance. That email salutation, and minor variations, still gives me a jolt of adrenaline and trepidation. 2 This is an important step as The peer review history package includes the complete editorial decision letter with peer reviews, and the authors’ response to reviewers for each revision of the manuscript. Apr 24, 2018 · “Dear Author”. Jan 1, 2013 · Research shows that peer-review process enhances the quality of medical research reporting (6). As a peer reviewer, it is useful to learn about common reasons for a 'major revision' verdict. Out of the four reviewers, the first suggested minor revision with no further re-review, the second reviewer wanted to see the manuscript in revised form, the third rejected it, and the fourth suggested publication (though he also suggested us to try for a higher impact journal). It is important to note that the “Major Revision” decision is entitled “Provisional Acceptance Pending Major Revision” for AJNR, suggesting that reviewer recommendations and Senior Editor decisions with this designation imply acceptance at the outset, in contrast to other journals. There're three reviewers, one decided recommend acceptation, other recommended a minor revision and the last one recommended a major revision. The reviewers have identified a well-defined set of additions and changes necessary to bring the paper to this state. Minor Revisions are processed in PLUS. Based on the PLoS ONE Review Speed Feedback System, it takes 3. Whenever possible, we invite earlier-round reviewers to re-review manuscripts following authors' revisions since they are best Mar 15, 2020 · Manuscript revision is an essential part of the research process, of making our ideas and our papers better. The pilot aims to help make the peer review process for articles and journals more transparent, and enable the community to better assess and compare peer review practices between different journals. Now, the manuscript is 'Under Review'. It has been over two weeks, but the status is still displayed as ‘Awaiting Admin Processing. ♦ Reviewers are given 3 weeks to review the major revision. 1 accepted - Accepted on August 1st A-accept (almost never after the first review round) B-minor revisions required (no further formal external peer review round required, editor makes decision) C-revise & re-review; D-major revisions & re-review; E-reject At Scientific Reports, we focus on ensuring that all papers we publish are of high technical quality, and let the scientific community determine the impact of your work. After two months, the status changed to Major Revision. The reviewers have read the manuscript before and documented critical paragraphs. As 3 months have past after re-submission, and the status remains “Awaiting Reviewer Scores” for more than 1 month, I am going to send an inquiry to Why? Because most manuscripts benefit from feedback and can be improved considerably. The status in the last 15 days was "Awaiting Editors Decision". Now, again it Mar 30, 2022 · Hello everybody. All the best for your manuscript! Responding to peer review reports: Tips for authors; How to respond to a "revise and resubmit" decision from a journal: 10 Steps to a successful revision; How to respond to peer reviewer comments [Video] In these cases we’d request that you accept the review, and be appropriately critical, per below. Minor Revisions. Feb 17, 2022 · We sent the manuscript with minor revision but now it is again under revision for 15 days. Complete the required forms, including a new Statement of Financial Responsibility if the property owner or financially responsible party has changed since the permit was issued Jan 15, 2019 · Peer review is the indispensable part of publishing a scientific paper, in particulars in high-impact journals. Peer-reviewing an academic manuscript is not an easy task. Still this step is usually faster because the reviewers don't have to be "re-identified" (assuming they agree to review; otherwise it could take longer for a myriad of reasons). e. In (pure) mathematics, my experience is that typically there is no set time limit on when to submit a minor or major revisions for a journal (exceptions are for special issues). Now, take some time familiarize yourself with the peer review process, if nobody has ever explained it to you in detail 2, and read on. Some rapid publication journals might give 10-15 days for reviewers to get back with their reports; however, for most journals the review time is longer. Mar 29, 2017 · The major usually has more extensive edits requested, which will take more time. Reject/Resubmit (major revision and new external review required) – this applies to papers with good quality but require substantial changes to rectify technical problems, introduce additional results, and improve paper structure and presentations; the authors will be given up to 10 weeks (except for papers submitted to special issues The possible result of this review is acceptance of the manuscript, and the AE communicates the decision to the EiC for action. Peer review is an integral part of the publishing process, learn more about the peer review process, including: what the reviewer is looking for, the possible outcomes of peer review, common reasons for rejection, what to do if your manuscript is rejected, and how to respond to the reviewer comments. 15 major revision - Major revision needed 7. Major revision; Minor revision; Accept; If after peer review a manuscript is considered potentially appropriate for PLOS Medicine, a major revision is generally requested. Mar 15, 2016 · A rejected paper is sometimes resubmitted to the same journal, after some revisions. And it works. A major revision goes back to reviewers, while the minor revision goes to the (associate) editor for a decision. 10 with editor - In the hands of the editor 6. After the reviewers uploaded the 3rd round of comments I have recieved no email to upload the answers and I can not upload them intro the platform, I can just see the comments. In fact, when a journal requests major revisions, it’s actually good news Editor of a journal asked for "Major Revision" for a submitted paper, after submitting revised paper it went for the review, after that the status shows "with Editor" for some time. The peer review process acts as a filter to ensure only good research is published, and improves the quality of research submitted for publication by giving reviewers the opportunity to suggest improvements. 2 The peer review process is handled by the conference committee, and the review method as well as the number of reports is decided by the conference organizers' requirements. 一、什么是大修. 12 under review - Under review 6. The more you share it within the first 6-12 months, the more views and citations it will receive. This manuscript, although meeting the criteria of novelty and appropriateness, is seriously flawed as to disclosure (either technical or literary or both), and requires a major rework by the author. After about 80 days, I have received a 'major revisions' decision with the detailed comments of two reviewers. What do peer reviewers and editors actually do after you submit your work? Nov 6, 2023 · Your paper is now being peer-reviewed for a second time (second round review). Submitted in February 2022. zkcy wvfbd gzet ezsaftb loycx mbxm pmao zfiilrc yomo obtqmb